Lingo Agents Find a Translator and Interpreters Lewis R

Lewis R

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Business analyst
(5 reviews)

I’m a business analyst for Barclays, where I do business and workflow mapping/analysis for operational optimisation. I also provide analytics to support the business decisions of executives and collaborate with stakeholders to ensure alignment of technology and practices with business needs. My previous experiences were also for BA roles under Citi and EY.

Getting mentored was probably one of the most helpful things to have happened to me professionally. It allowed me to identify and build up the skills I needed to pursue business analysis, which in turn made me more competitive as a candidate. Having a mentor also helped me grow in my career and become a better BA. This time, I want to share my own expertise as a mentor to help fulfil their potential and enhance the trajectory of their career path. If you are interested in learning anything related to business analysis, let me know how I can help!

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